Tuesday, October 4, 2011

The Best Laid Plans......

                When I have an equipment install in Victoria, there is a lot of per-planning before the actual install day, plumbing, electrical and mechanical are all laid out, schedules made out, etc. An install on the other side of the world is much different, these preparations are all done by e-mail. It is hoped that my instructions are understood, that I have communicated effectively, (not my strong point) and when we arrive everything is in place. On my first trip to Uganda, I arrived expecting, in my ignorance, to have the job run as it would back home, I was wrong, and it was extremely stressful for me.  The plumbing and electrical were not finished, there were open trenches in the clinic, no one seemed to be in a hurry to do anything. It was a huge learning experience for me, to learn to relax and go with the flow and realize things move at a different pace there and who am I to try to change that. Once I realized this, thing went well and we completed the tasks with time to spare.

                Linda and I have tried to covey this to others going for the first time, to make plans, but be ready to adapt those plans to the reality of developing countries
I hate to say it, but I enjoy, probably too much, watching first timers, when they try to do things the same as we do back home, then them realizing "When in Rome, do as the Romans do", it is an interesting and sometimes amusing transition.

                On this up coming trip to Rwanda, the per-planning has been  minimal, as far as the actual installation goes, Drew has done all the logistical planning, arranging for the equipment donation, loading and shipping the container etc. I have only been involved for a few short months, so I fully expect to do a lot of adapting once I arrive, I now enjoy the anticipation of what I will find once I arrive, it is a challenge for me to make things work without having Home Depot to run to for supplies.

               It is going to be an interesting adventure, stay tuned, I leave on Oct 16th, Please keep me and the team in your prayers.

                        Blessings   Jeremy

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